Commercial Operations
Our commitment to operational excellence keeps the lights on across the country. Our Commercial Operations teams maximize the value of our fleet while efficiently and economically dispatching generation assets to meet our customers’ needs.
Calpine leverages a clean, modern, efficient and flexible fleet to provide power, capacity, cogeneration, renewable integration and ancillary services to wholesale customers that include utilities, cooperatives, retail electric providers, power marketers and manufacturers.
Renewable Energy: None of the products, instruments or services that Calpine is marketing or selling constitutes a “voluntary carbon offset,” as that term is defined by Part 10 of Division 26 of the California Health and Safety Code, and Calpine makes no representation regarding the ability of any customer or other person to use or rely upon such products, instruments or services to reduce, prevent, avoid or remove emissions of greenhouse gases to or from the atmosphere, or to make or support any claim that it has achieved reductions or removals of emissions of greenhouse gases.